G'Pettoe says "if my album #KeepIt1Trillion was a milestone then #TrillOrNothing will make history"
After catching up with G'Pettoe in the midst of finishing his up and coming album #TrillOrNothing, he gives a brief peek into the plans for his music career. The path as he calls it, is currently on the way to the next plateau. G'Pettoe says "if my album #KeepIt1Trillion was a milestone then #TrillOrNothing will make history". He goes on to say "I am not the average perfect artist by any means, nor am I the picture perfect role model. I am however a trill artist that believes God's People Evolve To Take Over Everything". For any of those just getting introduced to G'Pettoe he is a very intricate artist that we are proud to be supporting.
If you are an aspiring artist and looking for inspiration take from what G'Pettoe has said and believe in your process. This is not an overnight industry contrary to popular belief. This music industry is built off of consistency and dedication. Never quit only try harder.
Stay tuned for more updates on G'Pettoe and other Comma House artist! Rate, like, share, comment, or just think on what you've read today and use what you can. #KeepIt1Trillion till we meet again.